Botox / Dysport
Take care of your investment:
Stay in a vertical position for 4 hours following injection. Do not rest your head or lie down; sit upright.
You may take Acetaminophen/Tylenol if you experience any mild tenderness/discomfort.
Do not massage treated areas 72 hours after treatment.
Do not massage treated areas 72 hours after treatment.
After treatment there maybe moderate swelling and redness with possibility of bruising. You may apply or take Arnica tablets to help decrease the amount of bruising.
Avoid extended UV exposure until any redness/swelling has subsided. Apply SPF.
Avoid strenuous exercise / sweating for 24 hours to reduce bruising. You may resume other normal activities/routines immediately.
Avoid laser, IPL, or skin tightening treatments of the area for a minimum of 24 hours (or as directed by your provider) after injection.
Remeber patience is the key!
*** Botox/Dysport takes 2 weeks to fully activate and it lasts, on average, 3-4 months***
It is recommended at the time of your treatment to schedule your next appointment for optimal anti-aging benefits.

Dermal Filler
Each day you should notice an improvement (big or small). Relax and trust the process. You will love the final results (give it 2 weeks)
During the healing process, there are a few things we want you to be mindful about:
After the procedure:
Take Tylenol or Advil for pain as directed on the bottle.
-Avoid make-up for 24 hours
Ice the area for the first few days to help with swelling
Sleep on your back for the first 2-3 days
Elevate your head on a few pillows while sleeping to help with swelling (for 2-3 days).
Yes, this is normal…
To feel lumps and bumps for a few days after the procedure. Please contact us if the bumps are still present after 2 weeks.
Swelling and bruising
Swelling and - To be sore for a few days at injection sitebruising
You will look REFRESHED in 2 weeks

Thread Lifts
Congrats on the Ultimate Refresh...
Each day you should notice an improvement (big or small). Relax and trust the process. You will love the final results!
Each day you should notice an improvement (big or small). Relax and trust the process. You will love the final results!
During the healing process, there are a few things we want you to be mindful about:
Avoid until follow-up appointment (2 weeks):
Direct heat (no hot showers for a week/sauna/laser treatments).
Excessive exercise for at least a week
Direct pressure to the face and area where the Threads were placed for one week
Avoid sleeping face down, excessive chewing, talking, yawning, smiling, facials
Avoid all dental procedures for a month following treatment
After the procedure:
Take Tylenol or Advil for pain as directed on the bottle.
Put Neosporin on entry sites for a week after procedure
Ice the area for the first few days to help with swelling
Sleep on your back with 2 pillows (elevated) for the first week to reduce swelling
Wash your hair and face with very gentle upward and outward motions that lift the skin in the same directions as the Threads lift the skin
Yes, this is normal…
There will often be discomfort from chewing or any facial movement. “Twinges”, “zingers”, or “quick shocks” are normal. This kind of pain gradually resolves within several weeks after thread placement.
It will be difficult to brush your teeth for a few days after the procedure.
When eating, it will be hard to take big bites so avoid foods like large sandwiches. You will want to have soft foods after the procedure for a few days (soup, acai bowls, smoothies, pudding, jello, yogurt, applesauce, etc.).
There will be immediate visible results after treatment and the area will feel tighter. Over the first few days to weeks, the tight feeling will relax to some degree each day.
You will be sore after treatment.This can last for a few weeks.
Asymmetry or puckering of the skin may occur and typically resolves with time. If it does not resolve after 14 days, please contact us.
We will see you in the office 14 days after the procedure.
Remember, the threads dissolve in a few months and turn into collagen. It is a win-win situation. This is not a face lift. This is not permanent. PDO threads softly reposition the skin to create a lifted look.
When to call/TEXT 443-300-7571:
If you experience increased extreme redness, fever or drainage from the thread site
If a thread begins to poke through the skin
Any drainage from the entry points (holes in the face)
(These are VERY RARE, breath darling).