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Sculptra Cost in Columbia Maryland

How Much Does Sculptra Cost in Columbia, Maryland?

Aging can take a toll on your physical appearance, especially when it comes to your face.

Not only does collagen production and quality decrease as we get older, it’s also common to lose volume, especially in the cheek and temple areas.

The good news is that you can restore a more youthful appearance with a non-invasive treatment like Sculptra cosmetic injections. How much does Sculptra cost in Columbia, Maryland? Here’s what you need to know.

What Is Sculptra?

Sculptra is an FDA-approved, non-invasive injection that has amazing anti-aging effects. It contains poly-L-lactic acid, which works to stimulate collagen production to rejuvenate the face.

Over the course of a few months, the injection creates natural and long-lasting improvements to the texture and thickness of the skin.

It reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, restores volume, and improves the overall contour in the treated area.

How Much Does Sculptra Cost in Columbia, Maryland?

A vial of Sculptra costs $700 to $900, and you may need more than one to achieve your aesthetic goals.

Aside from the number of vials needed, there are also other factors that impact how much you’ll pay for this treatment, including your geographic location, the provider you choose, and the treatment area.

The best way to learn exactly how much it will cost you is to schedule a consultation with a provider in your area.

Is Sculptra Worth the Price?

Sculptra is one of the more expensive dermal fillers available today.

However, the results are nothing short of amazing because it targets the underlying cause of certain fine lines and wrinkles, as well as lost volume by increasing natural collagen production.

While it can take months to see results, you can expect your new look to last no less than two years!

Smooth, Plump Skin Is In, and It’s Possible With Sculptra From RAE

Now that you know you need a consultation for your personalized Sculptra cost in Columbia, Maryland, it’s time to rejuvenate with this remarkable filler.

Call our Columbia aesthetic center today at 443-300-7571 to schedule an appointment!


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