IPL in Columbia, MD
Elevate your skin’s radiance with intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy, a favored solution for a number of skin concerns. This non-invasive treatment offers a multitude of advantages, catering to those who wish to rewind the aging process, stop constant breakouts, or achieve a more even tone or texture.
Harnessing the potency of broad-spectrum light, IPL (also known as photorejuvenation or a photofacial) precisely targets specific skin issues while preserving the integrity of the surrounding tissues.
Why Choose an IPL Facial for Glowing Skin?
Common skin concerns including sun damage, pigmentation irregularities, age spots, rosacea, and vascular lesions are no match for this therapy. They are safely and effectively reduced or altogether eliminated!
Plus, there’s no downtime necessary afterward. It’s so quick and convenient, with a visit lasting as little as 30 minutes.
Does IPL Hurt?
While your threshold for pain may be very different than everyone else’s, you can rest assured most find this treatment to be quite tolerable. A cooling gel and / or topical numbing solution may be used to ensure you’re comfortable.
When Will I See IPL Results?
Improvement takes time, as the light triggers your skin to heal from the inside out. Subtle change is evident within a week or two, and full results should be seen within four to six weeks.
Am I a Good Candidate for an IPL Photofacial?
Generally speaking, most healthy adults qualify for this remarkable skin rejuvenation technique. You should also have realistic expectations about what this treatment can achieve and not suffer from any disqualifying conditions such as photosensitivity.
Where Is the Best Place to Go for Amazing IPL Results in Columbia?
Maryland’s top choice for aesthetic services including IPL is Refresh, so make the right choice and select us for all your skincare needs!
Call us today at 443-300-7571 to book an appointment for flawless skin with our board-certified registered aesthetic nurse practitioner Brittany or one of our other providers!